Tuesday, November 3, 2009


With her album 'Rated R' being released later this month, Rihanna is finally sheading some light on the Chris Brown incident for Glamour Magazine. Below are some of the highlights:

On the leaked photo:
"It was humiliating; that is not a photo you would show to anybody. I felt completely taken advantage of. I felt like people were making it into a fun topic on the Internet, and it's my life. I was disappointed, especially when I found out the photo was [supposedly leaked by] two women."

On coping from the experience:
"It taught me so much. I felt like I went to sleep as Rihanna and woke up as Britney Spears. That was the level of media chaos that happened the next day. It was like, What, there are helicopters circling my house? There are 100 people in my cul-de-sac? What do you mean, I can't go back home."

On how the event changed her as a woman:
"I'm stronger, wiser and more aware. You don't realize how much your decisions affect people you don't even know, like fans."

For more, check out the December issue of Glamour Magazine out later this week!


Anonymous said...

Im very excited to see Rihanna make her come back ,although she was never gone. She was the main focus as she said for a while, but im happy to know that feels back to normal, and has an album on the way.
~ Jeri